theme-img-mobile About Us

The Career Planning and Alumni Office (CPAO), orients the students in their professional education and facilitates their employment by acting as a bridge between the University and the business world. The CPAO also arranges and organizes seminars, courses and conferences, to prepare students accordingly. 

Another important role of the Career Planning and Alumni Office is to establish and enhance a continuous relationship between EPOKA University and its alumni. The CPAO stimulates the interest and participation of students and alumni in activities of the University by fostering their interaction with the institution. This Office encourages EPOKA students to become active, loyal and supportive alumni following graduation. 

By cooperating with public institutions and private national and international companies, the Career Planning and Alumni Office helps students obtain internships in the labor market according to their qualifications. Internship programs offer bene- f its by providing many opportunities to develop necessary skills such as team work, coordination, communication and self-confidence.

+355 4 2232 086 - +355 4 2222 117
Rr. Tirane-Rinas, Km. 12 1032 Vore Tirana, Albania
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